Error Logging In: Date/Time or Timezone Are Wrong
When logging in, you may receive an error: "Your device clock or timezone is incorrect. Please change your Date & Time to be set automatically."
This means that your device's clock is more than 2 minutes off "real world" time.
This results in an error in our system because multiple people can log into your waitlist at once, and if different devices have different times, the wait times will be calculated and shown differently. So, if your device's clock is more than 2 minutes off, we will show this error.
To fix it, you would usually navigate to your device's date & time settings. The best thing to do is sync your clock to an internet time server. Here are some references to help:
- Set the date and time on iPad
- If the date or time is wrong on your Mac
- Set time, date & time zone on an Android device
- How to set your time and time zone on Windows 10
Also check that your timezone is right.
If you're in California and it's 11:00am, and your phone says it's 11:00am, you may think that your clock is right. But if your device thinks it's in New York, your browser will be off from "real-world" time by 3 hours.