Exporting Data from Your Account

You can export data in the Settings > Account > Organization section of your account.

The data export feature is only available for Admin-level account. Manager and User accounts will not be able to export data.

Choose a date range and whether you want to export Customers or Parties, then click Export. Your CSV will be generated and a Download button will appear:

Customers will export a CSV of unique customers, meaning only the most recent visit will appear for customers who have visited multiple times, while Parties will export all parties for the timeframe selected. The export will include all appointments/reservations made during the selected time range, so future reservations/appointments will be included in the export.

Here's what each column means: 

  • created_time: the time the party was created in TablesReady
  • checkin_time: the time the party checked in
  • quoted_time: the time the party was quoted
  • served_time: the time the party was marked as served
  • canceled_time: the time the party was canceled (if applicable)
  • name: the name of the person who made the appointment
  • phone: the phone number of the
  • size: the size of the party
  • type: if the party was a walk-in (added to waitlist by you), reservation, or added through your public page
  • note: any notes that were added to the customer/party
  • recent_visits: the number of recent visits
  • services: any Services applied to the customer/party
  • resources: any Resources applied to the customer/party
  • duration: the duration of the customer/party visit

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