Full-Service Restaurant Quick Start Guide

After working with other Full Service Restaurants, we've got a pretty good idea about what you need to do to get setup and start using TablesReady today. It's only 3 steps and won't take you long, I promise.

By the end, you'll be able to customize your notifications, offer contactless check-in, and accept reservations.

Ready to dive in? Let's go!

1. Customize Your SMS Notifications

Welcome to the World of Notification Automation

Head to Settings > Notifications and customize up to 8 different notifications to keep your guests engaged and in the loop. If you plan on offering Reservations, make sure to check out the Appointment Confirmation and Reminder messages 😎

Take it to the next level and make your notifications work for you — pop into Settings > Automations to enable up to 5 different actions that can be triggered by SMS. The Cancel and Confirm Automations are really helpful for busy hosts*.* Parties can remove themselves from your list or confirm their reservation with no extra work for your staff.

2. Explore Contactless Check-In Options

Save Time and Automate Your Wait

Our contactless check-in options can save you time (and help maintain social distancing!). Go to the Settings > Public Pages section to create and download a QR code you can post around your location, or grab an embed code to add your waitlist check-in page to your website!

3. Accept Reservations (In-Person and Online)

Accept Reservations Anytime, Anywhere

Pop over to the Reservations section and add a Reservation! You can keep it simple and take reservations in-person or over the phone, or you can set up different Services (Dinner, Drinks), Resources (Tables), and Schedules and allow customers to book online!

That's it! See, what'd I tell you? Setting up TablesReady for a Full Service Restaurant is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Now that you've got everything in place, try adding yourself to your waitlist and watch as the magic happens!

Of course, this isn't the end-all be-all of TablesReady and every business is different; take a look around and contact us and let us know if you need a hand with any other features — we're here and happy to help!

Not already using TablesReady? Get started for free today!

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