API documentation
The TablesReady API allows you to add new walk-ins and reservations to your waitlist directly from some other source system.
You are also able to use our Webhooks to get party information back out of TablesReady.
To begin, go to Settings > Integrations to enable the API and get your API key:
To send requests to the TablesReady API, you must use this API key to authenticate.
The auth header should be:
--header 'appkey: <<your API key>>'
Add Walk-In
To add a new walk-in party to your waitlist:
POST api.tablesready.com/public/walk-in
{ "name": "Walter", "size": 2, "quoted_time": 15, "phone": "+18558987243", "note": "any reference or notes here", "id": "source_system_identifier" }
name | |
string required |
The Name of the party |
phone | |
string optional |
The phone number for the party, only required if you want to be able to message them. |
size | |
number optional |
The size of the party. Default: 1 |
note | |
string optional |
Any notes for the host you would like to add for the party. |
quoted_time | |
number optional |
The quoted wait time for the party in minutes. Default: your business's default quoted time. |
id | |
string optional |
Pass in your own identifier which can later be used to update information for this party. |
{ "success": true, "error": null, "party": { "_id": "60c74f5fb4708cb69f73e2ee", "name": "Walter", "size": 2, "type": "walk-in", "phone": "+18558987243", "created_time": 1623674874000, "checkin_time": 1623674874000, "quoted_time": 1623675774000, "waitlistId": "8mjYLrXZ", "loyalty_count": 2 } }
Update Walk-In
Update an existing walk-in party on your waitlist:
PUT api.tablesready.com/public/walk-in/:id
The :id field must match the id you specified when creating the party.
{ "name": "Mike" }
name | |
string optional |
The Name of the party |
phone | |
string optional |
The phone number for the party. |
size | |
number optional |
The size of the party. |
note | |
string optional |
Any notes for the host you would like to update for the party. |
quoted_time | |
number optional |
The quoted wait time for the party in minutes. |
{ "_id": "60c74f5fb4708cb69f73e2ee", "name": "Mike", "size": 2, "type": "walk-in", "phone": "+18558987243", "created_time": 1623674874000, "checkin_time": 1623674874000, "quoted_time": 1623675774000, "waitlistId": "8mjYLrXZ", "loyalty_count": 2 }
Delete Walk-In
Remove an existing walk-in party on your waitlist:
DELETE api.tablesready.com/public/walk-in/:id
The :id field must match the id you specified when creating the party.
Add Reservation/Appointment
To add a new booking to your waitlist:
POST api.tablesready.com/public/reservations
{ "name": "Walter", "size": 2, "datetime": "2021-08-01 17:30", "end_date": "2021-08-01 19:30", "phone": "+18558987243", "note": "any reference or notes here", "id": "source_system_identifier" }
name | |
string required |
The Name of the party |
phone | |
string optional |
The phone number for the party, only required if you want to be able to message them. |
size | |
number optional |
The size of the party. Default: 1 |
note | |
string optional |
Any notes for the host you would like to add for the party. |
datetime | |
string required |
The date and time of the booking. |
end_date | |
string optional |
The end date and time of the booking. |
id | |
string optional |
Pass in your own identifier which can later be used to update information for this party. |
{ "success": true, "error": null, "party": { "_id": "60c74f5fb4708cb69f73e2ee", "name": "Walter", "size": 2, "type": "reservation", "phone": "+18558987243", "created_time": 1623674874000, "quoted_time": 1627853400000, "duration": 7200000, "waitlistId": "asASD2x", "loyalty_count": 2 } }
Update Reservation/Appointment
Update an existing booking on your waitlist:
PUT api.tablesready.com/public/reservations/:id
The :id field must match the id you specified when creating the party.
{ "datetime": "2020-08-08 17:30", }
name | |
string optional |
The Name of the party |
phone | |
string optional |
The phone number for the party. |
size | |
number optional |
The size of the party. |
note | |
string optional |
Any notes for the host you would like to update for the party. |
datetime | |
number optional |
The date and time of the booking. |
end_date | The end date and time of the booking. If this is not set, the previously computed duration will be used. |
number optional |
{ "_id": "60c74f5fb4708cb69f73e2ee", "name": "Walter", "size": 2, "type": "reservation", "phone": "+18558987243", "created_time": 1623674874000, "quoted_time": 1628458200000, "duration": 7200000, "waitlistId": "asASD2x", "loyalty_count": 2 }
Delete Reservation/Appointment
Remove an existing booking on your waitlist:
DELETE api.tablesready.com/public/reservations/:id
The :id field must match the id you specified when creating the party.