Integrate with Other Apps Via Zapier

You can connect your TablesReady and Zapier accounts to create custom Zaps — or automated workflows — between TablesReady and hundreds of other apps. 

Our Zapier integration is currently in beta testing and cannot be searched for in Zapier's app gallery. Click here to connect.

Follow the guided setup process below to integrate your TablesReady account with Zapier!

Step 1: Choose Trigger app & event

The Trigger is the event that starts a Zap (adding someone to your waitlist, for example). Select TablesReady as the app and choose your Trigger event:

  • New Party Saved
  • Party Check in for Res/Appt
  • Party Marked Served/Canceled
  • Party Updated

Step 2: Connect your TablesReady account

Go to Settings > Integrations in TablesReady to enable your API and get your API key:

Paste it into the popup window from Zapier and click Yes, Continue:

Step 3: Test trigger

Click Test Trigger and Zapier will attempt to find recent parties to load test data. 

If you've successfully pulled in sample data, you've successfully connected your TablesReady and Zapier accounts! Click Continue to choose your Action app & event. 

Step 4: Choose Action app & Event

The "Action" is whatever action you want to happen when the Trigger event happens. In this example, we'll use Email by Zapier as the app and Send Outbound Email as the event.

Step 5: Set up action

Use your own text plus data pulled from your test to set up your action, then click Continue. Note: not all fields need to be filled out, just the ones marked (required)

Step 6: Test action and turn on Zap

Final step! Test your action to make sure everything is working how you want, then turn on your Zap. 

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