Geofencing Setup

You can control how far away people are when they sign in to your waitlist, view your waitlist page, or make a booking.

First, Set Your Address

You have to configure your physical address in order for this to work!

Head to Settings > Location info and click the edit button under the "Actions" column.

This will open a form where you can update your address information.

Note: You MUST accept the Google-recommended address that is best for you in order for this to work! Geofencing works based on latitude and longitude and this information comes from Google Maps. If you edit the address directly, we will not know your coordinates and you will not be able to enable Geofencing!

Then, Enable Geofencing

Navigate to Settings > Public Pages. There, you'll find these settings:

First, enable the feature, and you'll get the additional settings:

  • Distance: choose how close someone needs to be (in feet).
  • Message: if someone is outside that radius, or elects not to share their location data, enter the message the person sees.
  • Then, choose which pages you want to apply the geofencing to:
    • Checkin: your waitlist check-in/add page
    • Waitlist: your public waitlist view page
    • Reservation/Appointments: your online bookings page

Then, scroll down and hit Save.

When your customers navigate to the selected public page(s), they'll be prompted to share their location data. If they're within the selected distance, they'll be able to see the page. If they're not, they'll see the custom message you've written.

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